Real-life Bruce Wayne States Astonishing Fitness Advantages of Skipping Breakfast

In a recent social media post, fitness influencer and real-life Bruce Wayne, Greg O'Gallagher, helps us understand the astonishing benefits of skipping breakfast. Keep reading uncover the secret to skipping the most imporant meal of the day

Greg o gallagher explains the benifits of skipping breakfast

In the Instagram clip, the influencer explains how skipping the first meal of the day increases growth hormone secretion in the body, which preserves muscle protein and shuttles fatty acids into the bloodstream for energy. However, he cautions viewers about extended fasts.

harms of extended fasting 

Gallagher says that when one fasts more than 18 to 20 hours, there is a depletion of 'liver glycogen,' which puts the body in a catabolic state. So, he doubles down on his point through the post's caption, which states, "The sweet spot is 4-6 hours after rising."

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