Epic Games Has Some Insane Secret Updates Planned for Fortnite

 Fortnite Season 2 has already blessed fans with some crazy changes and new content. that's not all. epic games is all set to drop more fresh content soon via updates. here are the best ones. 

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Spider-Man Web-Shooters

one of the most fun items, spider-man's web-shooters are likely to return at some point. in fact, epic games is already re-working the item's camera movement. 

New Street Fighter Skins

two brand new street fighter skins will debut this week and will introduce sakura's and Blanka's skins into Fortnite.

New Imperial StormTrooper NPC

recently, epic games has added a new file named "imperial stormtrooper NPC" into Fortnite's backend. in fact, according to its description, the imagined order hired these troops.

Board Game

epic games is developing a board game device exclusively for Fortnite's creative mode. it'll allow players to create their own unique board games in the title. 

Fortnite x Marvel: Zero War

it's a brand new real-life five-issue comic series featuring Fortnite and Marvel in the same universe. upon buying the comics, fans can redeem the codes and get marvel outfits and items. 

Hamster Ball Prototype

ballers are all set to return to Fortnite in a newly improved version called "hamster ball" and it'll have an insane 400 health. Fortnite's backend has files named "hamsterballprototype".

Quad Bike

epic games will release quad bike next season, which shouldn't be confused with the quadcrasher. quad bike is likely to be quadcrasher's upgraded version with new features.

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