is fomrula e faster than fprmula one?

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formula one and formula e are both fia official motorsports, both utilising special cars made for competing from scratch. while formula 1 uses hybrind v6 engines, formula e is entirely electric.
but is formula e faster than formula 1? let's find out.



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what is the main difference?

Formula E cars are electric where as Formula 1 uses a Hybrid, Internal combustion engine, powered by fossil fuels


what is the speed of a formula e car?

A Formula E can go from 1-100km/h in 2.8 seconds, boasting a top speed of 280km/h

what is the speed of a formula 1 car?

A Formula 1 car can go from 1-100km/h in 2.6 seconds, boasting a top speed of over 300km/h.

so is formula e faster?

No, Formula 1 is still quite a bit faster than Formula E but constant technological could make Formula E cars faster.


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