Top Indie Games on Nintendo Switch That Everyone Should Play

In almost seven years of its life cycle, this Nintendo Switch has accumulated a huge library of games. Amongst them here's a list of some indie games that one must try at least once at all cost.

stardew valley

One of the most addictive Farming Simulation games every released. The game looks beautiful in its own way, and has depth rarely seen in such games.


This is a very unique rogue-lite hack-and-slash title. Players take the role of Hades' son in this game who aspires to escape the deaths of hell. Albiet the story is full of humor and flirtatious characters.

hollow knight

Yet another beautifully designed indie game with excellent music. This one plays like a very hard Metroidvania where players mostly do only two things, exploring and fighting hard-as-nails bosses.


Any list of excellent indie games would be incomplete without this beautiful combination of metroidvanias and soul-like games. Play through a very dark story on this hard-to-put-down piece of art!

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