Has Anyone Ever Played Golf on the Moon?

It’s true! Golf is not only played on the course but has also been played on the Moon one. Indeed, the sport has reached greater heights ever since its claim to fame.

who played golf 
on the moon?

Creating history, Alan Shepard, the commander of Apollo 14, found a way to hit his six-iron on the surface of the Moon

when did
 This happen?

The astronaut in the Apollo 14 played golf almost 51 years ago, back on February 6th, 1971.

Throwback to when golf was played on the Moon

Golf is probably one of the most dynamic and one of the toughest sports to master. Alan was carrying his six-iron with him and took out some time during the landing to hit two balls on the surface of the Moon.  While hitting his second ball, he said it went “miles and miles.”

Where is the
six-iron kept ?

The rather historical six-iron which Alan Shepard used to hit the golf balls on the surface of the Moon was with him until 1974. However, he later donated the six-iron to USGA Museum in Liberty Corner, New Jersey. Notably, he donated the club to the museum on the recommendation of Bing Crosby, a member of the USGA committee in 1972

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