With Over 172 Restaurants Across US, Why Did Shaquille O’Neal Start The Big Chicken?

Shaquille O'Neal delivered what everyone initially believed to be just another entertainment offering, but it turned out to be more. The NBA legend's newest business endeavour, Big Chicken Shaq, was introduced via the reality programme Big Chicken Shaq. O'Neal was a multifaceted businessman who had at least 172 restaurants operating as part of his portfolio. So what distinguishes Big Chicken Shaq from the eateries covered under the moniker "Big Diesel"? It appears that the cause is personal.

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The Big Chicken origin story

O'Neal had prior experience working in the fast-casual food industry. He made an investment in Five Guys Burgers, and his portfolio includes around 155 Five Guys franchisees. He has roughly nine franchises and serves on the Papa John's board of directors. This led many to wonder why the four-time NBA champion invested his celebrity power in a brand-new restaurant venture. Because you can’t tell the Shaq story when the other guys already have their own. The Big Chicken Shaq menu is nostalgia-driven from the meals O’Neal grew up on to his love for the ’80s

Big Chicken’s national domination plans

Big Chicken Shaq only entered the franchising business in 2021, but it’s a huge factor in the expansion plans outlined by O’Neal and his business partners. They brought Josh Halpern on as CEO to kick-start their multi-unit aspirations.

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