O. J. Simpson Had A Heart Attack? 76-Year-Old Birthday Man Reveals ‘Truth’

NFL world witnessed a viral report that suggested that former NFL star and famous actor O.J. Simpson had recently suffered a heart attack. It was also reported that he has been dealing with major medical conditions and even underwent critical surgery that could have potentially been fatal. But what is the truth in all this?

O.J. Simpson recently turned 76!

On the 9th of July, the NFL legend celebrated his birthday and was in the pink of his health. Despite the polarizing nature of his past, the former football star turned actor received a range of heartfelt birthday wishes from fans across globe.

O.J. Simpson reveals the truth behind his alleged heart attack

The best person to reveal what exactly happened is the man himself. He posted a video on Twitter while also taking a dig at the rumors. After sharing the details that he suffered no heart attack and was absolutely fit, he wittyly added, "So maybe I should run to the hospital real quick. Maybe I had a heart attack and didn't know it."

Credits: O.J. Simpson / Twitter

Fans respond to O.J. Simpson's video about the truth

O.J. Simpson's fans were in alignment with the man and his witty sense of humor. His video's comment section was flooded with comments from fans all across. 

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