Here's A Quick Look at How MLB GOAT Alex 'A-Rod' Rodriguez spends his millions

Alex 'A-Rod' Rodriguez needs no introduction. He's the MLB GOAT, and he lives a luxurious life. Do you know how he spends his millions?
Let's have a look at the whole story



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A-Rod's love for expensive real estates

A-Rod's love for expensive real estate comes as no surprise. A-Rod Owns 13,000 Units of Multi-family Real Estate.


A-Rod's Yacht

Rodriguez's yacht, meanwhile, is the $32 million Ocean Paradise, which measures 180 feet long. It still has plenty of amenities, including a pool, dance floor and indoor and outdoor gyms.

A-Rod's private Jet

A-Rod has a Gulf Stream IVSP private jet worth $4.2 million.

A-Rod luxurious car

A-Rod has a Mercedes Maybach 57 A worth $300,000.


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