''Big problem at the moment'': Alex 'A-Rod ' Rodriguez Openly Asks For Help From Fans After Facing Health Issues

After a 22-year career in Major League Baseball, and five years away from his permanent retirement, former New York Yankees shortstop and 3rd baseman Alex Rodriguez revealed on social media that he is suffering from a delicate health problem, just before the beginning of the 2022 season, where he will work as a television narrator/presenter.



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A-Rod took to social media about the health issues

A-Rod, as many fans, like to call him, and former New York Yankees and Seattle Mariners have almost four million followers on his Instagram account, which he used as the perfect platform to make a video selfie, where he revealed that he is currently having some health issues, he publicly asked his Instagram followers to help him out in figuring out his condition.


A-Rod is not able to distinguish between a blackberry or an iPhone

According to his video on his personal Instagram account he mentions that one of his best qualities was his sight, which used to be 20/10, or 20/15, he now mentions that he can't read his text message, nor be able to distinguish between a blackberry or an iPhone.

What A-Rod said on this

"Hi, how are you? Just coming home from work and I want to Level-set with you, I have a big problem at the moment. I used to be known for my good eyesight, 20/10, 20/15. Now, I wake up in the morning and I can't read my messages"

A-Rod concluded

"What can I do to get this fixed?, and can anyone relate? See ya' ."


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