From Head to Toe-  These natural features gave  Michael Phelps an advantage at the Olympics

The swimming legend, Michael Phelps is naturally gifted with an insane body to sail in the water. Let's have a look at the anatomy of his body.

Insane Height 

Michael Phelps has an insane height of 6 feet 4 inches, with a torso of a man who's 6 feet 8 inches tall.

Credits: Youtube/10alexbraz

Enormous Hands

Phelps enormous legs and hands, that help him sail in the water. 

Credits: Youtube/10alexbraz

Elbows and Knee power

Heading 2

His body adds an exaggerated range of motion. 

Credits: Youtube/10alexbraz

Tall, but short

Phelps' upper body is tall, but he has short legs. 

Credits: Youtube/10alexbraz

Human Speed

Phelps' overall naturally gifted body makes him a human speed boat.

Credits: Youtube/10alexbraz

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