Optimize Your Cycling Performance With These Four Essential Core Exercises

Cycling has proven beneficial for decades, especially for professional riders who need to develop their physical strength to improve their skills. According to Coach Ric Stern, core exercises are vital for building leg strength and enhancing the riding experience. Here are four crucial core workouts that everyone, especially cyclists, should follow.

Planks and Tall Planks

To do a plank, lie face down and lift your body using your forearms, ensuring your elbows are directly beneath your shoulders. Keep the torso flat and engage the core. For a more challenging pose, ensure your elbows are straight, and hold your body in a press-up position for 30 seconds. Planks can help reduce backache, a common issue during long rides. 

Box Superman

Begin by resting your body on your knees and plums, then extend your left arm forward and the other leg backward, keeping your back flat and engaging your core. Squeeze both under your abdomen and repeat it eight times. This process will make you a stronger cyclist by targeting the posterior chain, upper back muscles, and shoulders. 

Crunch to Extension

Hold a medicine ball to your chest while keeping your back on the floor. Make a 90-degree angle with your body by bending your knees. Stretch your legs and arms as much as possible, lift the ball above your head, and then extend it towards the floor while keeping your feet off the ground. This workout will strengthen your shoulder muscles while building up your lower back and core. 

Goblet Squats

Just like regular squats, it has various benefits, like strengthening the core and enhancing the muscles in the buttocks and legs. To do a goblet squat, hold a kettlebell in front of your chest, widen your legs, push your glutes back, drop your body, and return to the starting position. Perform the process 12 times and then take a rest.

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