VIDEO: Kayak Fisherman’s Shocking Double Shark Collision While Hunting Seals Stuns the Internet

The vast oceans never fail to surprise us. Whether it be the endless blue aqua or the unexpected creatures hiding beneath it, oceans have a wide variety to offer us. In a similar context, recently, a YouTube video went viral where a fisherman’s kayak collided with a horrifying shark. The fisherman’s brave escape deserves to be mentioned here.

The shark chased a seal

In the video, a shark was spotted chasing a seal, and the seal was struggling to escape. Though the video was being shot from a distance, both creatures appeared close to the kayak, and what happened next would blow your mind.

An unexpected occurrence took place

At the beginning of the video, the fisherman, Greg Potter, seemed to be enjoying the game of the predator, but little did he know that the seal would find his kayak as an appropriate place for hiding. As the seal approached the kayak, the shark behind him collided with it twice, leaving the fisherman in a life-threatening situation. 

Credit: YouTube

His followers raised concerns

Though he shared the video with a witty caption, his followers seemed highly concerned about his safety. While some wrote about his courageous move of getting closer to the shark, some commented on his luck, stating, ‘I guess it’s luck...’

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