Lewis Hamilton's $127M Contract Renewal: Mercedes' Mission to Fix Crushing Errors

Lewis Hamilton, with a renewed $127 million contract, aims to lead Mercedes back to dominance. He criticized the W14 concept, particularly its seating position. Despite recent upgrades, his dissatisfaction persists. Hamilton, along with Mercedes' experts, plans to address these issues for the upcoming season.

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Team Communication Improvements

Lewis Hamilton highlights improved communication within the Mercedes team over the past few years. Acknowledging and rectifying mistakes have become crucial for team progress. Hamilton, along with race engineer Peter Bonninton and trackside engineering director Andrew Shovlin, plans to review what worked and what didn't to optimize their approach.

Hamilton's Serious Commitment

With a renewed $127 million contract binding him to Mercedes for at least two more years, Hamilton is determined to lead the team back to the top. Focusing on development and strategy discussions with his engineering team, he's invested in Mercedes' future success, even hinting at shifting focus to 2024.

Frustration and Future Goals

Hamilton expresses frustration over not winning a race in over a year and a half, largely due to Mercedes' car struggles. He emphasizes that his current season's result holds little importance, focusing on providing development insights for the team and ensuring they start the upcoming season strongly, despite current setbacks.

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