At 51 Years Old, Actor Mark Wahlberg Takes Inspiration From His Bodybuilding Movie Character To Stay in Fighting Shape

Mark Wahlberg has taken fitness seriously since his modeling days and also released a workout video back in the day. The actor seems to have incorporated a character he played in his workout.

Mark Wahlberg starred in Pain & Gain in 2013

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Based on a true story, Wahlberg plays a success-obsessed bodybuilder who goes down the path of crime for money. The movie also starred Dwayne Johsnon.

Mark Wahlberg does extremely hard leg exercise

Wahlberg posted a video of himself on Instagram doing Bulgarian split squats. “4am club🔥Let’s go!” Wahlberg announced to his 20-million-plus followers.

Benefits of the Bulgarian split squat

It builds muscle in your quadriceps, glutes, and abdominals. Strengthens your core and develops lower-body muscular power. Stabilizes your joints and improves your bodily coordination.

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