Michael Phelps’ Butterfly Stroke Burns Vast Amount of Calories- Here Are the Best Strokes for Swimming for Instant Weight Loss

From crawl to butterfly, the swim stroke you choose makes all the difference when it comes to burning calories. Michael Phelps's butterfly stroke indeed useful in burning calories. Yet, there are plenty of swimming stroke that helps in the same. 

What is the most economical stroke?

For the Michael Phelps and Katie Ledeckys of the world, it's straight-forward: "In trained swimmers who are swimming at a steady pace, front crawl is the most economical stroke

The other beneficial stroke followed by Front crawl

There are plenty of economical and beneficial stroke followed by front crawl. These are backstroke, butterfly and breaststroke.

Benefits of improving swim stroke

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It's not super fun to thrash around the pool, and by working on improving your swim stroke you can get up some serious speed. The faster you swim, the more calories you’ll burn. Your metabolism will also likely remain higher for longer after you stop swimming, contributing to the overall calorie burning effect of swimming.

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