81-Year-Old Aesthetics Legend Reveals the Five Exercises Needed to Build A Perfect Symmetry Like Him

When bodybuilders like Frank Zane and Arnold Schwarzenegger dazzled the Mr. Olympia crowd with their visually stunning physiques in the 1970s, the sport of bodybuilding became increasingly popular. After winning three Mr. Olympia championships, the bodybuilder known for his symmetry resigned from the sport. He is one of only three bodybuilding legends to have ever defeated Arnold Schwarzenegger in the annals of sports.

Frank Zane reveals the secret to a ripped physique

In the Golden Age of bodybuilding, there was both rivalry and comradery among competitors. At Gold's gym, the majority of the champions of that era practised alongside one another while picking up helpful tips from one another.  Schwarzenegger founded the Arnold Classic as a way to give back to the sport, and Zane did the same by talking about different facets of bodybuilding on podcasts and social media. The Hall of Famer asserted that bodybuilding entails more than just lifting weights in his most recent post. 

The Instagram Post 

The Chemist pointed out that “Exercise, Attitude, Recuperation, and Nutrition,” are the key areas where the quality of efforts is required to witness progress. “Since the relationship between these four factors is multiplicative, you must do your best at each one to make maximum progress,” he suggested in his post while sharing a picture of his aesthetic physique from his prime. 

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