After Rugby Player “Juiced Up” for Better Performance, IFBB Coach Discusses the Serious Consequences It May Have

Moving on to this video of Jowsey, who was in a conversation with a professional doctor and a YouTuber Mikhail Varshavski famously known as Doctor Mike. In the middle of the conversation, the social media sensation disclosed a bizarre truth about his life.

Greg Doucette warned modern-era athletes

He confessed that he wanted to be an athlete and wanted to pursue his career in Rugby but he was very skinny compared to his teammates.

So, he went for a blood test, the reports were fine, and he “found out his testosterone levels were a little bit below the average not extremely low not to the point that he’d actually need testosterone but he wanted to do it he wanted the testosterone to perform better to build up muscle faster than last time,” Doucette pointed out in his review video.

His doctor suggested that he look good but he could do better convinced Harry, “and I was like let’s juice me up.” “Giving testosterone HRT to individuals that don’t actually need it as in they’re already producing adequate testosterone is going to do more harm than good,” says the 48-year-old pro.

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