“Not Getting Ready for a Marathon”: After Bashing Michael B. Jordan’s Workout, Exercise Scientist Fumes Over Gal Gadot’s Trainer-Recommended Workout Regime

Dr. Mike Israetel, an exercise scientist and former bodybuilder, has made it his goal to expose every false information that is spread across the fitness industry. The expert, who is now taking his time calling out Hollywood celebrity trainers, recently looked through Michael B. Jordan's exercise routine and discounted some of the claims. 

Dr. Mike Israetel reacts to Wonder Woman workout

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The Scientist aired a video of the trainer outlining the training schedule on the official Renaissance Periodization YouTube account. The famous fitness expert described movie production as “like a marathon. It’s not a sprint.” 

“Shoot is a matter of them just being alive,” the scientist chimed in. As an example, he took The Joker actor, Joaquin Phoenix’s case. “I don’t think he’s ever seen a weight in his entire life,” he said while asserting that he makes it through whole movies himself. Therefore, trainers only have the mere responsibility of making the actors look like their characters. 

“Maybe be able to move generally in a way that allows you to do the stunts that CGI and your stunt woman doesn’t do which is almost nothing. They’re not getting ready for a marathon…it is a photo shoot, it’s a video shoot,” the German athlete exclaimed.

Exercise Scientist calls out Michael B. Jordan’s fitness knowledge

The 36-year-old actor was seen doing dumbbell curls in another scene when he disparaged celebrity routines. Israetel disagreed with Jordan's first assertion that the exercise is excellent for conditioning and explosion.  “Not good for conditioning nor for explosion. It is good for making your biceps bigger,” he clarified. 

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