animal crossing:new horizon new facts to refresh your knowledge about the simulation game

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game about being social with everyone around you. to keep those interactions even more fun, here are some exciting new facts about this detailed simulation game!

nature's call

Players are allowed to "get rid of the power boost" if their character finds itself overstuffed with food. This is a funny little detail that really makes this game's humor shine.

wasp attacks

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game about keeping in touch with nature. This means foraging fruits, flowers, catching and observing wildlife. but some insects like wasps can attack you and give your character a weird eye!

character details

This game features animals as islanders. Those animals range from mammals to amphibians. And these animals react differently to different seasons. For example, frog villagers would love the rain and mammals would hate it.

tom nook is not so bad

Tom Nook might have a reputation as a greedy loan shark. But he seems to have a soft side too. He appears to have taken two orphans Timmy and Tommy as his wards. Who knew this raccoon had a heart of gold?

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