Bethesda Should Create an Open World Game of Thrones Game

Bethesda is all set to launch its latest game Starfield. As per this developer's profile, this upcoming title would be an open-world RPG. Looking back on everything they have made till now, it would be interesting to see a Game of Thrones title developed by them.

An expert in fantasy

Bethesda has prove over the years that there's only few developers in the industry that can match them in fantasy world building.

Game of thrones needs a real game

And Game of Thrones is actually in dire need of a title that actually gives people an opportunity to freely explore Westeros. A chance only Bethesda can give them.

they almost made one too

Fans might not know but before Skyrim Bethesda almost developed an open-world Game of Thrones title. But it did not materialise for some reason.

Imagine the possibilities

Imagine an open-world game set in Westeros developed by Bethesda. Exploring this world for hours and hours and randomly completing side quests. choosing sides with houses.

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