Gta V: Fans Disappointed as Rockstar Games Removes Numerous Vehicles From Gta Online

GTA Online might be one of the most popular online games out there. But developer Rockstar games seems really made its fans angry recently by removing some of the vehicles from the game and locking some of them behind a paywall

Fans were awaiting an expansion

While fans and longtime players were hyped for the game's upcoming expansion San Andreas Mercenaries, they got a very different surprise instead.

Vehicles missing from garages

They got a surprise when some of their vehicles were missing from their garages. Rockstar had previously announced that tehy would be removing a bunch of vehicles, but this actually effected a big group of players.

Vehicles behind paywalls

Removing of these vehicles would have been understandable to many players, only if players did not find those vehicles behind the paid GTA + version of the game.

This has understandably disappointed a lot of players. To some it only looks like Rockstar is trying to double charge them for those games.

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