Here Are the Top Most Unrealistic Video Game Traits of All Time!

Video games have often had mechanics that are unrealistic. of course, people do not respawn upon dying and of course, it's not possible to fast travel from one location to another in a second. Here are a bunch of such mechanics that are unrealistic but are totally fun to use.

fast travel

Fast travel has existed in video games for a very long time now. It has become such an integral part of this system that people cannot even imagine open-world games without it.

horror game safe rooms

How does a monster straight from hell simply loses interest in a player's character if they enter the save room? It is just unbelievable. Yet it is crucial and it is hard to imagine games without it.

air dashes and double jumps

How does a character simply jump in the air and jumps once more? And how do they do that dash thing in air? These seem pretty impossible, yet incredibly fun to use.

This Powerful Scope Can
Change the Game in an Instant
in Call of Duty Warzone 2!

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