Starfield: How Bethesda’s Upcoming Rpg Is Different From No Man’s Sky!

Ever since it is been revealed people have compared Bethesda's massive RPG to other similar titles, specifically to Hello Games' No Man's Sky. Here we list some points that would convince gamers that these two games are pretty different indeed.

A more personal story

Starfield would allow players to live a fantasy of not just a space traveler, but anything they want to be in space. It can be a cowboy, a pirate, a hero or a villain.

More detailed ship customization

The ability to customize even the minor details of spaceships comes with this game. From cabins to accessories inside each and every room in a ship, everything is customizable. No man's sky does not allow customization in such detail.


Combat in Starfield is something of a point of focus nowadays. Bethesda is very proud of what they have made. While combat is in No Man's Sky is not much detailed.

much more focused campaign

While exploration and going around galaxies is a thing in Starfield, it is still a more focused game. No man's sky on the other hand offers just finding new planets as its main pull.

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