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Coming into the Australian Open, all the hopes were lying on Carlos Alcaraz to pick up from where he started. However, he could not get the momentum that he wanted, despite playing spectacularly well in the first few matches. He stumbled in the quarter-finals against the German sensation Alexander Zverev. Soon after the loss, the fans were all over Alcaraz’s shoulder, blaming him for his poor performance. Comparing the Spaniard with Djokovic, tennis legend Mark Petchey defended Alcaraz.

The former Wimbledon champ is now out of the AO, and being the current world no. 2, fans had a lot of expectations from him. Indeed, Djokovic is now 36, and yet he is dominating on the field. However, Petchey reminds fans about a significant stat that showcases Alcaraz’s potential.

Carlos Alcaraz can take 15 more majors to win his next slam and yet be similar to Djokovic


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In a recent tweet, Mark Petchey came in the defense of Spanish sensation Carlos Alcaraz. He suggested that it took just 12 major tournaments for Carlos Alcaraz to win 2 grand slams. He then compared these statistics with those of Novak Djokovic, suggesting that the Serbian took 27 major tournaments to win his 3rd grand slam.

Last but not least, Petchey asked all the haters to calm down and wait for the right time, as the Spaniard might gear up and perform at the upcoming majors, as he has a lot under his belt. “Calm the F**K Down everyone” wrote Mark Petchey in his tweet while drawing a sharp comparison between the Spaniard and Novak Djokovic’s journey.

Thus, the former English international came up with a strong message for all the haters of Carlos Alcaraz while claiming that he still has a lot to offer. While being just 20, there is certainly a long road ahead for the Spanish champion.

After losing the match against Alexander Zverev, Calros Alcaraz came ahead and talked about his thoughts on his performance in the match while reflecting on his journey throughout the event.

Alcaraz reflects on how he played his quarter-final match


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In the post-match interview, Carlos Alcaraz revealed that he thinks he did not play good tennis. However, he did play some great matches during the earlier phase of the tournament, which gave him the confidence to come into the match with an added boost, but at the end of the day, it was just tennis.

“With the level that I was playing before, coming into this match with a lot of confidence, knowing that I’m playing good tennis, it’s a shame that I started the match like the way that I did and ending the way that I did. But it’s tennis,” Alcaraz said.

Thus, while looking to seek title glory, Carlos Alcaraz had to deal with a loss that he did not expect. After bowing out of the tournament, he will now be looking to shift his focus and concentrate on what’s coming next for him.


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Written by

Akshat Gaur

One Take at a Time
In a world where player rivalries dominate social media conversations, I am someone who prefers to enjoy the skills showcased on the court rather than be involved in feuds over the greatness of players. Right from my early childhood, I have been engrossed by the legendary rivalry between Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. It turned me into a ?Fedal? fan and eventually, when I graduated from college, this fandom created an interest in covering their exploits on the court.
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Edited by

Shudh Mukherjee