
In the quest for fitness and health, the debate over protein sources has long been a topic of discussion. From animal-based to plant-based options, enthusiasts often wonder which is more effective for achieving their health and fitness goals. Recently, the bodybuilding legend, Arnold Schwarzenegger, gave his two cents on this nutritional debate!

Shedding light on this ongoing conversation in his latest newsletter edition, Schwarzenegger delved into recent research findings and explored whether the source of protein truly mattered when it comes to building muscle and strength. Let’s uncover the insights from this latest edition.

Arnold Schwarzenegger reveals that the kind of protein does not matter


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According to the newsletter, recent research findings provide some intriguing insights. “The study was fairly simple: participants were randomly assigned to either an omnivorous or plant-based diet. The scientists made sure the plant-based group ate plant-based protein,” wrote the 76-year-old. What’s crucial to note is that the plant-based group ensured a diet rich in leucine, a vital amino acid for muscle growth often found in lower quantities in vegetarian or vegan protein sources.

Surprisingly, “the researchers found similar muscle gains and strength increases on the deadlift and squat for people following an omnivorous diet and a plant-based plan.” The results revealed comparable muscle gains and strength improvements in both groups, irrespective of their dietary choices. This challenged the conventional belief that animal-based proteins reign supreme in promoting muscle development.

The key takeaway from this research echoed Schwarzenegger’s previous advice: “Don’t overthink your protein.” The critical factor is ensuring you consume sufficient protein to support your muscle and strength goals.

It’s worth noting that while animal proteins boast more essential amino acids, individuals following plant-based diets may need slightly higher total protein intake to compensate. Schwarzenegger further explained what were the sources one could use for their protein.

Focus on achieving your protein goals!


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According to Arnie, this revelation gives you the freedom to choose your protein sources. Whether you prefer the hearty goodness of beans, lentils, chickpeas, tofu, and tempeh, or opt for supplementary options like pea protein, soy protein, or mycoprotein (the star of the study), the variety is vast.

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According to him, whether it comes from the plant or animal kingdom is secondary. It’s a refreshing perspective that empowers individuals to make dietary choices aligned with their preferences without compromising fitness goals.


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So, next time you’re thinking about which protein to pick, just remember: enjoy the protein you like and have fun getting stronger and healthier. It’s all about enjoying the journey to a better you!

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