
Arnold Schwarzenegger recently drew attention to a major feat with his Instagram post featuring Chloe Brennan, a remarkable strongwoman. Brenna’s astounding feat of lifting a 246-pound stone, known as the Kilchurn castle stone, drew disbelief and admiration from Schwarzenegger and fans alike.

In the captivating video shared by Schwarzenegger, Brennan’s struggle and determination were evident as she conquered the daunting stone lift. Despite the immense challenge, her face seemed to radiate satisfaction upon successfully hoisting the heavyweight. Afterward, she posed like a bodybuilder, displaying the double bicep pose, a common stance in bodybuilding.

Moreover, Schwarzenegger, known for his candid and enthusiastic persona, expressed his amazement in the caption accompanying the post. Awarding Brennan an exceptional rating of 13 out of 10, Schwarzenegger’s admiration for her strength and skill shined through. “I have been in awe of @chloebrennanx ever since I saw her lift the Dinnie stones at the Arnold Classic,” the Austrian Oak remarked.


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Continuing to praise her, Arnie wrote, “Look at how easy this stone is for her, great scenery, and she does it in jeans! 13/10.” Chloe Brenna, a professional strongwoman and fitness coach, has garnered widespread recognition for her remarkable achievements in the world of strength sports.


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In recent times, Brennan, the founder of Holistic Strength Coaching, has established herself as a dominant force in strongwoman competitions. Recent victories at the Arnold Classic Strongwoman and Europe’s Strongest Woman have solidified her reputation as an elite athlete in the U73 weight category.

Chloe Brennan’s outstanding journey

Additionally, Brennan’s triumph as the Natural Strongman World Champion further highlights her exceptional abilities. In 2019, she had claimed the title of England’s Strongest Woman, setting the stage for her remarkable trajectory. Subsequent top 5 finishes at the Arnold Amateur World Championships 2020 and World’s Strongest Woman 2021 further underscored her consistent excellence on a global scale. However, Brennan’s impact extends beyond her athletic achievements.


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Her background as a registered nurse imbues her coaching philosophy with a holistic perspective, prioritizing comprehensive strength development. Leveraging her diverse expertise, she provides personalized coaching aimed at nurturing both physical and mental resilience. With a sheer dedication to fitness, she earned certifications as a Personal Trainer, British Weightlifting Coach, and Mental Health First Aid Practitioner.

Chloe Brennan’s astounding strength and unwavering commitment to her craft have earned her the admiration of icons like Arnold Schwarzenegger. As she continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of strength sports, her journey is nothing short of inspiring.