
Lee Labrada didn’t have an easy time chasing his bodybuilding dream. The 1980s bodybuilding icon didn’t come from an affluent family and had to work for a living while pursuing the sport. In an interview, the 63-year-old owner of Labrada Nutrition explained how he managed his time, and how deciding to turn into a full-time pro bodybuilder was nerve-racking.

During a recent interview with Muscle & Strength, the bodybuilding legend spoke about his journey. For years, the 63-year-old toiled as an amateur, developing his world-renowned aesthetics. However, while he wanted to become Mr. Olympia, the bodybuilder worked full-time as an engineer to support himself and his dream.

Lee Labrada had a plan


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The 1985 Mr. Universe said that winning the contest earned him the pro card. However, Labrada was “also working full-time as a structural engineer, designing high voltage transmission line structures.” Soon after turning pro, bodybuilding realized that he had to choose only one profession moving forward. Yet, the bodybuilder didn’t give up his job immediately.

Labrada informed all the NPC promoters across America, telling them about his availability. The body bodybuilder-turned-entrepreneur explained that he started appearing for guest passing and appearance. By the following spring, Lee Labrada finally had enough work lined up to feel that he could leave his engineering job. Yet, it wasn’t a simple decision.

The financial security of a steady job was safer than taking the risk of going pro. However, Lee Labrda decided to follow his dream. While transitioning from a full-time engineer to a full-time professional bodybuilder felt like a “leap of faith,” things worked out. The Mr. Universe winner had crafted a supremely aesthetic physique through the years, and he shot to the top of the sport. However, success didn’t come easily to the bodybuilding legend.

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Discipline became the key to success

Lee Labrada revealed how he lived during his amateur bodybuilding years while chasing the Olympia dream. The bodybuilder worked as an engineer from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. After the nine-hour shift, Labrada went home, picked up his gym bag, and trained rigorously for a few hours. After each training session, he went grocery shopping.

The former Mr. Universe cooked and ate fresh food. However, Lee Labrada didn’t just shop for groceries, he also prepared his meals. The bodybuilding legend said he followed this routine day after day like a “Spartan.” The champion bodybuilder’s disciplined lifestyle helped him find success as an amateur and then as a pro.


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Even today, prize money in bodybuilding isn’t something to write home about. During Labrada’s time, it was even lower. Hence, the Mr. Universe felt a little nervous while transitioning into pro bodybuilding.