
After surviving a near-fatal heart attack, former enhanced bodybuilder Chuck ‘Kali Muscle’ Kirkendall is on a crusade against processed food. While decades of ste***d abuse played a major role, the bodybuilding enthusiast also ate a lot of high-calorie processed food leading up to his cardiac arrest. However, fans haven’t received his efforts to raise awareness against processed food positively.

In his latest video, Kirkeneldall was back inside a supermarket. He picked up a loaf of bread from the aisle and read the ingredients out loud. While the pack of Wonder Bread contained many artificial ingredients, the bodybuilding community didn’t like his caption. “Bread Almost Killed Me,” Kali Muscle wrote, and his followers couldn’t help but point out his hypocrisy.

Is Kali Muscle’s reputation tarnished beyond repair?


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The online bodybuilding and fitness community accused Kali Muscle of being a ‘fake natty’ ever since he became popular. However, Muscle denied the accusations until his heart attack. Kirkendall came clean and began leading and promoting a healthier lifestyle. However, the damage to his reputation might be irreversible. Despite fighting for a good cause, most people dismiss his efforts.



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The bodybuilding enthusiast had a genuine point when he revealed the artificial ingredients used in bread. While fresh bread can be made with just three ingredients, processed bread uses multiple artificial additives and sugar. However, Kirkendall’s reputation and misinterpretation of “thiamin” as a cancer-causing ingredient led fans to criticize him.

Despite his noble intentions, Kali Muscle also claims some extreme diets like watermelon and pineapple only fasting to be healthy. Everything combined dilutes the awareness that Kali Muscle wants to spread.

Read More | “Can’t Stop Watching This Absolute Nonsense”: Bodybuilding Community Bashes Kali Muscle as He Continues Fruits Only Fast


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The bodybuilding community couldn’t take Kirkendall seriously 

While a few fans heeded Kali Muscle’s message, others picked the video apart. The bodybuilding community said decades of bad decisions “almost killed” the 49-year-old. “No, years of ste***d abuse and food challenges did,” wrote one follower. “Yeah. bread will kill you but gear is ok folks!” wrote another critic. “Guy you need to go away at this point,” wrote a third user.

Another fan revealed the true purpose of thiamin. “Lol. Thiamin does not cause cancer. It’s a vitamin,” wrote the fan. However, a few of Kirkendall’s fans stuck to the points he raised in the video. “Wonder Bread was my #1 bread, but looking at the ingredients, it’s scary,” wrote one fan who didn’t know processed bread had so many artificial ingredients.


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Read More | “That’s Why the Arteries Have Been Clogged Up”: Kali Muscle Blames Popular Kids Cereal for Increasing Heart Attacks

While Kali Muscle continues to raise awareness of processed foods, the damage to his reputation might continue to haunt him for a while. What’s your opinion? Tell us in the comments.