
Bodybuilding is a strenuous sport that requires years of dedication. Moreover, in the mass monster era, the strength athletes in the open division strive to represent gigantic bodies combined with extreme leanness and conditioning. It often takes a toll on the body. Further, external additives to enhance performance become a recipe for disaster. So when a high-profile bodybuilder informed fans about his nighttime routine, alarm bells rang across the internet.

Earlier, a YouTube channel named AEG Fitness posted a video of Nick Walker. Here, the bodybuilder showed his unique “bane” mask, underscoring its importance. Fans registered their concern for the 2021 Arnold Classic winner.

Nick Walker uses a CPAP machine to improve sleep


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In the video, Walker stresses the importance of the mask he needs to sleep properly. The ‘Mutant’ used to think he did not need to optimize his sleeping patterns. However, his training and recovery became much more enhanced after using the bane mask. “I sleep like sh*t. This has been a game-changer,” said Nick as he did his everyday routine of strapping on the CPAP device. The “bane” mask is a machine that aids those with obstructed breathing during sleep, as per the Sleep Foundation. The airway is prevented from collapsing by a steady flow of pressurized air. Furthermore, it helps reduce snoring and improves the overall quality of sleep.

The Mutant has a tedious path to carve his name in the Mr. Olympia 2023 competition. He seems to leave no stone unturned to ensure his win this year. By being a runner-up in 2022, Walker has already inched towards his ultimate goal, a dream every bodybuilder has. However, fans are worried about his health although externally Walker looks spectacularly fit.

A few days ago, the IFBB pro posted a physique update on Instagram that showed off his jacked muscularity. However, fans also noticed his disproportionately large veins in the leg. And now they are concerned about his need for a machine to sleep. 

 Fans worried about the health of Walker

A netizen commented, “Bro, you sleeping with that because the steroids are doing their damage to your heart and lungs.” Another follower lamented the direction bodybuilding has taken. They wrote, “It’s unbelievable that this is what bodybuilding’s become. All respect in the world for this man, don’t get me wrong, but he should realize what needing things like these means.”


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Read More: Weeks Out of Mr. Olympia, Nick ‘The Mutant’ Walker Shares a Cold-Hearted Warning to His Competitors: “I’ll Make Sure I’m the Last One…”

Similarly, a subscriber remarked on the dire state of things by saying, “This is why being light and lean is the way to be. We’ve been that way since the beginning – this is an abomination.” An ardent fan highlighted both sides of the coin when predicting Mutant’s bodybuilding journey. They said, “I genuinely think Nick will go for one O and dip! Watched that whole vid. He is not a well man but utterly driven to achieve his goal!” A follower made a profound observation. “We have moved away from health and fitness and embraced vanity to the fullest,” added the follower. 


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Maintaining herculean size is an occupational hazard of bodybuilding. However, a balance of tricks of the trade and wellness is the need of the hour. Moreover, Bane was the adversary of Batman in the DC universe, but Nick wants to become a hero, so he arguably may need to be mindful of his health. Have you watched the “bane” mask? What are your views?

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