
Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s classic workout video from his prime recently resurfaced, setting the internet abuzz. Fans excitedly shared their admiration, but not everyone was impressed. Critics pointed out flaws in his form, prompting a fierce defense from Schwarzenegger’s loyal supporters.

So, what’s the story behind this viral video? Arnold Sports posted a throwback clip of Schwarzenegger performing bent-over barbell rows. The caption read, “Arnold hitting his reps on bent-over rows during filming for Pumping Iron.” The exercise, unusual to some, sparked debate among viewers.

The clip dates back to the filming of the iconic “Pumping Iron” documentary. This 1977 film is a cornerstone of bodybuilding culture, showcasing the sport’s legends. However, even back then, it stirred controversy. Some felt the documentary was less about bodybuilding and more about promoting Schwarzenegger.


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Even three-time Mr. Olympia, Frank Zane, had shared similar thoughts about Pumping iron. “You know, this really isn’t about Pumping Iron; you might as well call it pumping Arnold because it was all about him,” Zane had said earlier. Zane expressed frustration over the documentary’s focus on Schwarzenegger, noting how the cameras disrupted his own training routine.

Zane eventually left Gold’s Gym due to the constant distractions. Seeking a more focused environment, he moved to Vince’s Gym. However, the commute from Santa Monica proved too challenging. “It was sort of hard to train once they showed up with their cameras and everything, and I was just interested in working out,” Zane explained.


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He later found solace at World’s Gym, where he could train without the intrusive presence of the film crew. Despite the criticism, Schwarzenegger’s fans were quick to defend their icon. They emphasized his significant contributions to bodybuilding and his legendary status in the fitness world.

Fans urge to not criticize Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Golden Era technique

People reflected that modern-era lifters are upset because Schwarzenegger’s workout technique doesn’t focus on controlling the lowering and lifting phases of the movement. “Science-based lifter kicking the air how he’s not controlling eccentric or concentric but rather literally pumping iron,” wrote one bodybuilding enthusiast. Another explained that Schwarzenegger had unique genetics and because of this, he could build muscle quickly and lose it just as fast.I don’t think people realize… you can’t do what he did and look like that. He was a genetic freak and his body soaked up the drugs. It’s why he would get so massive and then so small in a short period. Any way he trained would have given the same results. He trained how he enjoyed training.”


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Others highlighted that the weight wasn’t heavy and hence, slight back rounding isn’t dangerous if done right. They also highlighted that he was focusing on intense training and just “pumping iron.” “People talking about the rounding of the back: 1. it’s not even that heavy 2. Rounding the back is not unsafe, to a certain degree, he’s not leading the movement with the lower back. 3. He’s pumping iron,” added one user. Some fans urge others not to criticize Schwarzenegger’s workout form  and wrote, “Don’t criticize the position or technique of this champion, a legend.”

Schwarzenegger’s iconic workouts still ignite debate, reflecting his enduring influence and the nostalgia for bodybuilding’s Golden Era. Do you like his techniques for gaining muscle, or do you also beg to differ on Arnie’s form? Let us know in the comments.