
Four-time Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler has once again come to the defense of bodybuilder Nick “The Mutant” Walker, following backlash from fans over Walker’s performance at the Pittsburgh Pro guest posing event. Cutler, a consistent supporter of Walker, didn’t hold back during a recent episode of his podcast, Cutler Cast.

In a conversation with Milos Sarcev and Matt Daniels, Cutler passionately defended Walker, drawing parallels between Walker’s journey and his own. Recalling his own experience, Cutler said, Nick, listen, if I guess was the week out of any show I ever did, I would be the Nick Walker story.” He continued and stressed, “People say there’s no way Jay’s going to make it. 2001. How much weight did I lose the last week? Talk about all the time. Almost 30 pounds. Okay.”

In the snippet of his podcast, the 50-year-old giant showed confidence in Walker and stated, “Nick, no question is I think he’s going to walk into New York and shock everyone’s going to say what did you do in a week.” While sharing the clip on Instagram, he emphasized his belief in Walker’s potential.


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He wrote in the caption, You don’t peak to guest pose. Plain and simple. Believe me when I say Nick is gonna do some serious damage in New York this weekend!” While some criticized Walker’s physique for not being at its peak during the Pittsburgh Pro guest posing, the majority of people drew comparisons between Walker and current Mr. Olympia Derek Lunsford.


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They expressed that Walker looks giant in front of other competitors, such as Lunsford. Now, the bodybuilding icon clarifies that athletes don’t aim to peak for guest posing events. He stressed that the real focus is on competitions, where Walker is expected to shine. Cutler does not only support the 29-year-old for the New York Pro; in fact, he has high hopes that the Mutant will win the Olympia this year.

Jay Cutler showcases his belief in Nick Walker’s potential to be the next Mr. O

During the episode of Jay Walking, Cutler while talking about the competition and the elite competitors, made a statement about Walker. He said, “Nick Walker is looking really good…and we have high hopes for him. I think he can make a big impact at the Olympia and possibly win it this year.” Former Arnold Classic champ Nick Walker faced setbacks last year, hindering his participation in the 2023 Mr. Olympia.


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Despite being in a wheelchair, he attended the show with full spirit and supported others. Now, after recovering from a serious hamstring injury, Walker is making a statement with his physique development. With his eyes set on the New York Pro, his main goal is to win the coveted 2024 Olympia.

Jay Cutler‘s unwavering support highlights his respect and admiration for Walker. By sharing his own experiences of being doubted and overcoming obstacles, Cutler offers a powerful message of resilience and confidence in Walker’s abilities. Fans are anticipating if Walker indeed shocks everyone at the upcoming New York competition, just as Cutler predicts.