
Kali Muscle became famous for the various extreme diets that he followed. He had to face drastic consequences because he had a very unhealthy eating habit along with steroid abuse. After experiencing a heart attack twice, he ditched death and was forced to change his entire lifestyle. Ever since he has been very cautious about whatever he consumes.

During one stage, the fitness enthusiast switched to fruits for his survival. Muscle began posting a series of videos on Instagram regarding food items that claim to be effective but are very harmful. In the latest addition to that series, Kali Muscle has now pointed out why people should refrain from having canned fruits, and well, looks like this might be entirely different from what he advocated while on his fruitarian diets.

Muscle began the video with a lot of mock excitement stating that he will no longer have to chop up his fruit anymore. As he went on reading the ingredients, he stated that it contained three servings, which are about 130 calories, 15 to 18 milligrams of sodium, and in fruits it had peaches, pears, and cherries. However, it also had red coloring in it, to which Muscle said, “Why is red the coloring there? That’s cancer-causing. Not supposed to be allowed in California where I live.”


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The bodybuilder also shed light on the fact that the can have added natural flavors and sucralose in it, ending his video with his usual advice, “Do not give this to your kids and you don’t eat it. It’ll kill you.”

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In the earlier video, he had posted a few months ago, he mentioned how fruits contained ample protein and why people should include it in their daily diet. Muscle said that amino acids in fruits are essential for people to build protein for their muscles. He said, “Fruits, what a lot of people don’t know have amino acids. What do amino acids make? Protein… Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. That makes it, okay!”

A lot of people from the bodybuilding community had criticized him for making such bizarre claims. However, now he has contradicted himself with this new video.

Read More: “Everybody Dying So Young”: Bodybuilder, Who Almost Died 2 Years Ago, Blasts Supplement Industry for Affecting Bodybuilders’ Lives

 Even before the series, Muscle has bashed other food items that are seen as normal in the fitness community. In the past, he even showed his ire at protein powder.


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Kali Muscle says protein powder is harmful

In one of his videos, Kali Muscle shared his displeasure over protein powders and wrote, “Protein is bad for you”.  Addressing those who thought it was necessary for a gym routine, he argued and stated that they were only defending it because they had never been to the manufacturing building where they made it.

“I could sell protein powder…but why don’t I? Because I want to have some positive honor when I meet my maker,” Muscle explained while hinting at the fact that he did not consider the manufacture of protein powder an honorable business.  


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Whether one believes him or not is their choice, but one cannot deny the fact that Muscle is definitely risking it all, running behind popular food and supplements, while claiming they are harmful. What are your thoughts on the series? Let us know in the comments section below!

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