
The British actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson, known for playing the role of Pietro Maximoff in the movie Avengers: Age of Ultron, is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This time, Johnson is all set to make a presence on the big screen as a supervillain in the Spider-Man universe. The kid from the movie Kick-A** is now all set to be spotted, and he is out there to dominate the Hollywood world, too, with his sheer dedication and flawless physique. He is set to now conquer the role of a supervillain with his feats of acquired strength and mass, per his recent interview with Esquire.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson going all in for the new character

The British actor will now be seen playing the role of Kraven the Hunter in the Spider-Man multiverse, and he is completely adapting to everything that the character demands this time in order to gain some public attention. Per an interview with Esquire, the character of the Hunter is huge and is shirtless almost the entire running time.


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To get into the zone, he “trained heavy” for months. At present, he is around 170 or 180, but at his supervillain peak, he weighed 200 pounds. He lost 20–30 pounds with his hard work and constant dedication to fit into the role. Looking at the comic books displaying the character he will be playing, Aaron Taylor-Johnson says, “Huh—the costume is my stomach and my arms.”

Read More: With His Ripped Physique and Toned Abs, Kraven the Hunter Star Leaves Fitness World Into a Frenzy


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He did not just workout and transform into a beast, but the British actor learned to run like a “quadruped” in order to be believable as a hunter. His strength and conditioning, after putting massive amounts of effort into this role, have changed drastically. What’s the secret? Continue reading to find out! 

What does Aaron Taylor-Johnson do to stay fit?

Aaron Taylor will soon be seen playing the role of James Bond, too, after Kraven the Hunter. This year truly is of Taylor-Johnson. But how did he go through such a massive transformation? In a YouTube video where Paris Demers highlighted what the British actor has been doing to stay fit, he mentioned that Johnson has been following the MPH Method.


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He said, “Aaron enlisted the help of PT Matt Hodges, the next fitness model turned celebrity personal trainer who uses his incredibly well-thought-out mph method to get his clients into shape in record time.” The MPH Method of Training is a five-step process that involves analyzing and testing hormones, nutrition, training, and manual therapy. He puts extensive focus on his physical analysis, which helps him with mobility and transformation, and the rest is, well, history! What do you think about the transformation journey of Aaron Taylor Johnson? Let us know in the comments section below!

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