
Four-time World’s Strongest Man winner Brian Shaw and his friends challenged one another to lift dumbbells. Shaw devised a challenge where he and his four friends would lift dumbbells that gradually ascended in weight. While there would be no winner, they tested who could lift the heaviest one. To no one’s surprise, Shaw dominated the challenge.

However, even the former Worold’s Strongest Man title holder couldn’t really lift the final 350 lbs “unliftable” dumbbell. However, despite retiring as a professional strongman, Shaw came close to setting a new world record in his gym. The challenge included 76 lbs, 89 lbs, 99 lbs, 115 lbs, 144 lbs, 154 lbs, 176 lbs, 190 lbs, 210 lbs dumbbells, and no one could skip lifting one.

Thomas Evans started the challenge and went up to lifting 210 lbs. Evan ‘T-Rex’ Singleton followed, lifting the 210 lb dumbbell. However, the strongman couldn’t lift the 230 lb dumbbell. Bobby Thompson was the third man to try and failed at 190 lbs. Trey ‘Big Thicket’ Mitchell failed to lift 176 lbs. Finally, the World’s Strongest Man champion stepped up.


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Shaw went up the ladder with minimum effort and didn’t even look like he struggled with 230 lbs. However, since the former World’s Strongest Man made the challenge look easy, the others added to it. They convinced the 42-year-old to give the mind-boggling 350 lbs dumbbell a try. No one on earth has lifted the 350 lb dumbbell with one hand yet.


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So Shaw took on the challenge and tried three times. After the first try, it was apparent that even a four-time World’s Strongest Man sinner would struggle. So they used a weighing scale to see how much of the 350 lbs Shaw could lift. Brian Shaw managed to budge 316.3 lbs off the ground during his final attempt. However, there were multiple factors at play behind the failed lift.

No longer the World’s Strongest Man

After an illustrious career in strength sports, the 42-year-old retired in 2023. Although Shaw tried to win his World’s Strongest Man contest, he finished 7th in the finals. Hence, it’s safe to assume that at 42, the former pro-strongman is well beyond his prime. Brian Shaw confessed to not feeling the strongest at the moment of the lift.


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The former World’s Strongest Man said he wasn’t even confident he could go past 200 lbs in the challenge. Recently, Shaw underwent a massive weight cut while preparing for an MMA tournament. However, despite the preparations that went into it, the organizers pulled the rug under participants Shaw, Eddie Hall, Martyn Ford, and Mitchell Hooper at the last moment.

Currently, Shaw is sitting at his leanest in over a decade and hasn’t strength trained for months. So, while he did not fully lift the 350 lbs dumbbell, the former World’s Strongest Man in his prime might’ve done better. What do you think? Tell us in the comments.