
People often get confused and see the two different streams as one, which is fitness and bodybuilding. The majority of people look at these as the same. However, former bodybuilder Lee Priest recently shed light on the basic difference between a bodybuilder and a fitness influencer. Priest shared his perspective on the trend of fitness influencers and their impact on training.

The 51-year-old recently appeared in a candid interview with the founder of Apollon Nutrition, Robert Samborsky. The sports enthusiasts covered various topics during their interaction. This interview was uploaded to Samborsky’s YouTube channel, Apollon.

Priest’s perspective on bodybuilding and fitness influencers


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Samborsky began this interview with a simple yet intriguing question. He referred this to Priest and asked, Do you agree with your friend’s negative view on social media and tripods in the gym, especially regarding younger people? Priest said that he doesn’t think it’s a negative because their youth want to be bodybuilders or reach a high level of fitness.

“If you just want to go to the gym and be an influencer that’s fine but if you want to be a bodybuilder who’s going to compete in that you don’t need your f*ck*ng phone in the gym,” mentioned Lee Priest in the video. In his opinion, if somebody wanted to compete, they should focus on working first. After finishing the routine, during the last set of reps, they can film your content.

This advice applies only to those who aim to compete in pro shows. The scenario completely changes if a person only wants to become an influencer; then, they’re allowed to record the entire regimen. He suggested to those who dream of becoming influencers, “It’s always good if you want to do it maybe train first compete if you get a few titles behind you you know if you got it then you get a little bit of a name for yourself people are going to listen to you more.” He emphasized gaining credibility before giving advice.

The former bodybuilder emphasized the benefits of traditional training

In addition, the giant killer urges people not to blindly trust influencers. He further discussed that the online fitness industry is getting more attention than traditional methods. He explained in the video that there have been sudden increases in online fitness tips and said that traditional exercises like bench presses and barbell curls are the most effective workouts.

He drew attention to basic bodybuilding training, comparing old-school training methods to the current trend of complex exercises and the use of drugs. The Australian IFBB Pro openly criticized modern practices in exercises; he confessed that he doesn’t like the hip thrust workout. He stressed the traditional movements like squats, lunges, and leg presses.

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Furthermore, to prove his point, he named a few legendary bodybuilders, like former Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sergio Oliva, who said that they only followed the traditional workout routines and built their muscles to some extent. Additionally, Priest expressed his concern that these new-age influencers might give foolish advice that could be harmful to many people.

Lee Priest expelled the modern-era practice

While clarifying, he said, “There’s a big difference it’s almost like being street smart and or you know anything like that like I know people who can read a textbook on stuff.” According to him, giving advice to people is easy, but only if you practice and obtain results from your technique will your advice be effective.

He talked about an Australian fitness influencer and strongly said, “I didn’t really like him, I don’t agree with what he does but the good thing what he does is he does get people into the gym to exercise and get healthy so on that side it’s good.” The conversation between them shifted to the reliance on performance-enhancing drugs in today’s generation. The youth wanted gigantic bodies like professional bodybuilders without even competing; these abrupt practices only cause more harm than good.

In one of his throwback interviews, he mentioned that he began taking drugs when he was 19 years old. Before that, from the age of 13 to 19, he competed with his natural physique. He gained around 20 pounds, and the transformation was quite significant. He used steroids called Deca. Amidst steroid speculation, people lambasted the young bodybuilder and criticized his poor choices. Priest came into the picture and defended him.

Lee Priest came forward to defend Sam Sulek

During the time when Sam Sulek, the 21-year-old fitness influencer, was facing criticism from sports fanatics, he took his side. Lee Priest explained in his Instagram post that Sulek was having a good time enjoying his food and workout sessions, making videos out of them. And he must be taking good care of his health, too. There’s no need to criticize him. Instead of judging, let him live his life the way he wants.


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Further, Lee Priest asked people not to attack Sulek with their opinions. According to him, the young bodybuilder will learn. He added that nobody is an expert, so telling him how and what to eat isn’t helpful. He illustrated that when people are young, they often try different approaches to have fun.


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According to Lee Priest, this is what is happening in Sulek’s case, too. However, the bodybuilding icon has a separate perspective on things related to bodybuilding and fitness influencers’ activities. Do you agree with the priest’s approach to these things? Let us know in the comments section.