
Jeremy Potvin has been a bodybuilding sensation for quite some time now thanks to his aesthetically pleasing muscular physique and his perfectly perfect waist-to-shoulder ratio. But he wasn’t always a bodybuilder. He started off his career by joining the US Army and serving in Iraq. And it was during the training for his job that he discovered his love for the sport. 

He now uses his social media to share his fitness updates with his followers, and sometimes, shed light on important aspects of the sport. He recently hit his followers with a brutally honest reality check about being a supporter of bodybuilding that has seemingly upset a lot of people. 

Jeremy Potvin calls out fake Bodybuilding fans


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Jeremy Potvin recently took to his official Instagram account and shared a video of himself, where he is seen expressing his disappointment in the biased support towards athletes these days. According to him, it tends to come in the way of the judgment and people end up making decisions, not based on the hard work or effort, but based on the country a Bodybuilder belongs to.

He says, “If you guys consider yourself a fan of bodybuilding, leave your biases, your national biases out of the game because if you’re keeping that in with all your decisions on who you like or what look you prefer, you’re not a real fan of bodybuilding. You’re a fan of an individual because they represent your country.”

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He even mentions how this obsession with nationality ruins the true fun of the sport. Potvin adds, “Like it’s awesome to have somebody represent your country to root for them but don’t take that s**t into the placings and how an athlete does because once again, that does not make you a true fan and you’re ruining what bodybuilding is supposed to be.”  Having been a participant at the Mr. Olympia 2023, he himself has faced several challenges, and he does not wish any judgment to get fogged because of a community bond.


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Potvin’s journey has not been an easy one either. He might be one of the most popular faces in the circuit right now but that wasn’t always the case. Training to be a bodybuilder is a task of Herculean proportions. Literally! This is a sport where the results take time to show and it’s always easier to just fall off the wagon and give up. But Potvin obviously is an exception to that rule.

Jeremy Potvin talks about the struggles of his prep days

Potvin had shared a heartfelt message on his Instagram, talking about all the hardships he had to endure to train for Mr. Olympia this year. He said, “I might not be shredded yet, but I will be in two weeks’ time. This entire prep has been a struggle, but we kept going.” He even added that there have been several times that he had wanted to quit. He would feel sick every day because of his diet and rigorous training, and was not himself.


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Read More: “Felt Sick Everyday”: Bodybuilder Who Served in US Army in Iraq Makes a Painful Confession About Mr. Olympia 2023 Prep

He stated that these are not unique challenges and every bodybuilder faces them. And that is the whole reason why he suggests not letting your judgment cloud based on the origin, rather it should be based on the hard work and determination the bodybuilder has for his passion. What are your thoughts on the suggestion of Jeremy Potvin? Let us know in the comments section below!