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The boxing world was sent into a frenzy when Daniella Hemsley, decided to drop more than just her opponent’s guard. Known for her energetic online presence, Hemsley never fails to make headlines. However, this time, she might have overstepped her boundaries. The scene unfolded under the bright lights of DAZN, the platform that aired her triumphant match, only to witness a celebration that made many wince, not cheer. A celebration that eclipsed her athletic prowess and set the stage for an unforeseen scandal.

The incident left the audience gasping. Hemsley, basking in the glory of her victory, took an unusual path to celebrate. For those accustomed to watching her punch, this was a stark reminder that boxing isn’t immune to the quirks of popular culture.

The twist? This unconventional celebration didn’t amuse everyone. Among the unamused is a prominent figure in the boxing industry. Eddie Hearn, who voiced his opinion in no uncertain terms. However, his reaction may leave you with more questions than answers. What did Eddie Hearn say? How did he react?


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‘We need to disassociate’: Eddie Hearn slams the provocative celebration

Barely hiding his disappointment, Eddie Hearn, the renowned boxing promoter, was candid in his response to the incident. Speaking out against Hemsley’s behavior, he emphasized, “I hate it, I hate it”. Such a strong, emotional reaction from a stalwart of the boxing world is indeed surprising. However, Hearn’s remarks were driven not only by personal disdain but also by a broader concern for the sport. This is what happened after the announcement of Hemsley’s win.

His discontent is beyond the singular act of Hemsley, raising questions about the way professional boxing is associated with influencer culture. He stated emphatically, “We’ve worked so hard for women in boxing, to be respected for their ability, for their merits, for their hard work”. His words were a sobering reminder of the often-overlooked struggles behind women’s representation and respect in the sport.

Hearn did not mince words when he denounced the association of such antics with professional boxing. “One thing we must understand is that ain’t boxing,” he clarified. He also implied crucial distinction between the sport’s core values and the recent cross-influences of social media trends.


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Following this point, Hearn made a strong call to action, “And that needs to be pushed. All that stuff, misfits, kingpin, it needs to be booted so far away from professional boxing and we really need to you know, disassociate ourselves with what it is.” His words reveal a deep desire to protect the integrity of boxing. This also urged the community to dissociate itself from such controversial acts.


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Shields & Bridges step into the ring of debate

The echo of Hemsley’s controversial act resonated among the female boxing fraternity, triggering reactions from world champions Claressa Shields and Ebanie Bridges. Bridges, known for her own attention-attracting tactics, drew a distinct line between her acts and Hemsley’s. The ‘Blonde Bomber‘ noted her ability to captivate audiences with her boxing prowess, dismissing the need for explicit displays.

Meanwhile, Shields, an undisputed world champion, minced no words condemning Hemsley’s act, calling it a step backward for women’s boxing. This backlash underscores the tension within the sport as it navigates the thin line between audience engagement and maintaining its professional integrity.

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As the dust settles, the question remains. Will boxing’s governing bodies take steps to separate professional boxing from such shocking displays in future events? Hemsley’s actions have certainly thrust the boxing community into a disconcerting spotlight, leading us to ponder where the line should be drawn between freedom of expression and maintaining the decorum of the sport. We invite our readers to share their thoughts. Should the sport be more stringent in its regulations to prevent a repeat of this incident? We look forward to hearing your perspectives.

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