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Fresh from a victory that left boxing enthusiasts in awe, Curmel Moton is already stirring headlines. Under the watchful eye of Floyd Mayweather, this young boxing sensation has rapidly emerged as a force to be reckoned with. But just when the world was absorbing Moton’s recent triumph, Mayweather dropped a hint that has left everyone guessing.

Moments after boldly forecasting a millionaire status for Moton within a mere 24 months, the legendary boxer teased an unexpected twist. Could Moton be re-entering the ring sooner than anyone predicted? While Twitter is buzzing with a snippet of their post-fight conversation, not everything has been revealed.

Floyd Mayweather drops a bombshell: What’s next for Moton?


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Fresh off a scintillating pro debut, Curmel Moton is already the talk of the town. Exhibiting skills that seem years beyond his age, Moton, under Mayweather’s mentorship, delivered a knockout performance that left fans and pundits alike in awe. Indeed, the world seems to be at the feet of this young boxing prodigy.

As the dust settled from his electrifying victory, a post-fight interview provided even more fodder for the buzzing boxing grapevine. Floyd Mayweather, with his characteristic blend of confidence and flair, hinted at a rapid and intriguing path forward for Moton. The conversation went as follows:

Floyd Mayweather began, “We gonna come right back. Within the next 3-4 weeks he will be fighting again.” Catching the interviewer off guard, the immediate response was, “Wow that quick! One month turnaround. Are you ready for that Curmel?”

But before Moton could fully respond, Mayweather, always one for the spotlight, interjected, “Well he may be fighting on my, hold on I didn’t want to cut him off but he maybe fighting on my exhibition card.

These words not only amplify the intrigue surrounding Moton’s future but also showcase Mayweather’s unwavering confidence in his protégé. In essence, the journey has just begun, and if Mayweather’s plans hold true, the boxing realm is in for a whirlwind of excitement.

Defense over punishment, drawing lessons from boxing legends

Floyd Mayweather, no stranger to the boxing ring’s challenges, has a distinct vision for his protégé Curmel Moton: prioritize defense to avoid unnecessary punishment. Speaking to reporters, Mayweather recalled his own defensive prowess during his career. Drawing on history, he mentioned legendary fighters like Sugar Ray Robinson and Muhammad Ali, who faced severe health issues like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, respectively, due to their in-ring encounters. “There’s nothing great about taking punishment,” Floyd asserted, emphasizing the steep cost some legends paid.


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He reminisced about the prowess these icons displayed in their prime. Juxtaposing it with their later years marred by illness and mobility issues. Bringing it closer to home, Mayweather pointed out how playing with his grandson is a joy he cherishes. In essence, Floyd’s message was clear: boxing greatness shouldn’t come at the cost of long-term well-being.

Also Read: Floyd Mayweather Displays His 5-0 “Secret Weapon” And It’s Not Curmel Moton


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Will prioritizing defense over taking punishment redefine the path to greatness in boxing? We turn to you. Do you believe Mayweather’s defensive mantra will set a new standard for future boxers?

Watch this story: Five Fascinating Facts About Floyd Mayweather’s Protégé, Curmel Moton