
Call of Duty Mobile has finally taken a bold step that might have some backlash. Movement mechanics of any game is something players learn and adapt with time. They base the foundation of their play style with these movements.

However, when the game nerfs or buffs different parts of these movement mechanics, the learning curve requires a revisit. That is sometimes painstaking and difficult. Especially for a game like CoDM that does not have a dynamic movement mechanics.

CoDM opened its public test server for a content review of the upcoming seasons. One of the first things players noticed while playing in the test server was the change in movement mechanics. Players noticed this change when they spotted a suspicious new perk in the loadouts. There is a new blue perk coming to the game, called Skillful Dropshot. The name might excite the constant dropshooters in CoDM, but it is anything but bad news for them.


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Call of Duty Mobile is discouraging dropshots


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The game has nerfed drop shooting once again. After Season 11, drop shooting was already bad. One of the most go to broken moves in the game was not functional as before. However, now players need to equip a perk altogether to dropshot in the game. Without the perk, the weapon will ADS out every time the player presses the prone button.

To continue shooting, they will have to manually ADS the weapon. That is not at all useful, and any player prone shooting without the perk will most likely die in a 1v1 gunfight. Furthermore, they still cannot ADS while moving and proning at the same time. Thus, players have to sacrifice an useful perk, just to lie down and shoot in the game.

Call of Duty Mobile definitely wants to discourage prone shooting, and we don’t think it is a bad move. Prone shooting is one of the most annoying habits that players have and sometimes the ones who enjoy fighting while being up-right or crouching, lose out on players hiding themselves by proning inside bodies of other players. One can almost call it unethical.


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Watch the changes in the video below.

Sliding and shooting is also getting a big nerf, so overall players should be happy about the balance. However, we are still not sure of how damaging these nerfs are going to be. Remember to check the reviews as soon as the Season 2 update is out.