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Apart from his dominating presence on the court, fans know Miami Heat‘s Jimmy Butler as a very funny guy off the court, who is known for saying and doing the most random things; it often looks like he is in a world of his own. He has his way of interacting with fans too. In a recent incident, Butler was involved in a hilarious exchange of words with a fan who was sitting courtside.

During games, interactions between the players and fans more than often take the spotlight, because we just never know what to expect.  Butler’s lighthearted discussion with the courtside fan revolved around mortgage payments and had online fans in stitches. It showed the lighthearted side of professional basketball, which otherwise tends to get pretty serious.

Courtside affording fan failing on mortgage payment?


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The video uploaded on Instagram showed Jimmy by the courtside and a fan, who had probably put his money into the game, requesting him to make a three so that he could pay his mortgage. “20 man, score for me. Jimmy, I gotta pay my mortgage,” the fans said. An unbothered Jimmy replied, “I paid mine. I bought my house cash.”


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The fan who could afford front-row tickets to the game, begging Jimmy to “Make this 3 for real. I need this money,” to pay the mortgage does not sit right with the fans, who are confused as to why he would buy courtside tickets if he has pending mortgage to pay. A fan commented, “He can’t be that broke if he has court side seats.”

Just wanted to talk to Jimmy

Another fan wrote, “buddy got courtside seats you should’ve used that towards ya mortgage 😭”

It’s pretty obvious that the fan could easily afford his mortgage payment, and this fan called him out on his lies, “Court side seats …bro already paid his mortgage. Just wanted to talk to Jimmy.”

A bit of sarcasm with this one: “Bro used all his money for court side seats 💀”

This fan was not impressed: “Yall sound lame as hell doin this.

Read More: 3x NBA Champ, Who Once ‘Threatened’ Jimmy Butler, Now Set to ‘Take Charge’ of Heat Territory


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Another fan is mad that the fan used a golden opportunity to talk about mortgage: “Court side fans be the lamest. Put the real fans in front…bum ass talkin about paying his mortgage.

This one has a solution: “Why all dem court side people so corny!? They need to put real fans court side and put da rich people in the suites or suttn 😂”

Jimmy handled it his way and a fan wrote, “Jimmy is funny af. He was like yup got you and then he was like fool as he faked like he was finna get the ball😂😂”


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One can always expect a hilarious response from Jimmy Butler. Share with us your funniest Butler story in the comments.

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Written by

Tsuktibenla T Jamir

One Take at a Time
Tsuktibenla T Jamir is an NBA author at EssentiallySports. Armed with a Masters in Journalism from the prestigious Delhi School of Journalism, this Nagaland native combines her academic prowess with her passion for the game to craft compelling narratives that bring the NBA to life. She finds immense joy in dissecting the journeys of the athletes who make the game larger than life.
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Edited by

Ananya Giri