
The rise of the vampires in the dungeon world has begun! Blizzard Entertainment released the Diablo 4 Halloween special ‘Season of Blood’ on October 17. The much-awaited new season brings a lot of new additions to the most critically acclaimed D&D universe in the gaming world. Unarguably, there couldn’t have been a better way to celebrate the spooky season. Well, only if you know how to unlock all the exciting powers and upgrade them. 

Halloween is just around the corner. Thus, players are invested in exploring all the vampire powers introduced in the new season. However, accessing the specialized powers in the new season isn’t going to be a cakewalk. From unlocking higher-level vampire powers to finding potent blood, challenges in the new season are on and hot. But all your queries have a solution. Here’s a guide explaining everything you should know to enjoy the ‘bloody season’ to its ultimate best. 

Diablo 4: Unlocking Vampire Powers in ‘Season of Blood’


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The new season has introduced a set of 22 vampire powers that can be accessed in the game. These powers range throughout a diverse range of supernatural abilities that the players can wield in the game. It is important to note that no specific power from the new season is associated with a specific class. So, each ability from the 22 is open to every Diablo 4 player. 

Players can obtain vampire-inspired skills by completing quest rewards in the Season of Blood campaign or by reaching reputation goals during Blood Harvest Events from the Hunter’s Acclaim. You can equip up to five Powers simultaneously via your character menu’s Sanguine Circle.


Above the Powers in the Sanguine Circle, there are three distinct symbols known as Pacts. Depending on the degree of the Power, you must have a certain amount of Pacts from each category in order to activate unlocked vampire skills.

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The currency for activating the powers 

After your first quest in hell-tide Blood Harvest, you’ll unlock your Vampiric Menu. During the course of the season, every particular ability would require three different combinations of pacts to unlock and access them. Some powers are considered minor powers while some are considered major powers depending upon the strength they provide. However, all these powers would be traded in exchange for the following pacts

  1. Eternity (Skull)
  2. Divinity (Golden cup icon)
  3. Ferocity (Red crown) 

For context, one of the major powers Blood Boil requires 6 Eternity pacts. In simple terms, to bring blood boil to the Sanguine circle, you’ll need 6 Eternity pacts in your purse.

Getting the pacts in Diablo 4 through gear drops 

You can find out which Pacts the Powers listed in the Sanguine Circle require in order to activate them. To fulfill the requirements of different Powers in Diablo 4, just outfit the armor parts with the appropriate Pacts for your character. For instance, you cannot equip a Level 1 Power that requires two Divinity Pacts into your Sanguine Circle until you have on clothing that satisfies that requirement.


If the gear item doesn’t roll with the stats that are needed, you can add the pact to the armor by grabbing the item and applying the pact to it. The point to keep in mind is the fact that this would only work for Armor gears and not for weapons. In addition, you can also get ‘Cleansing Acid’ to reconstruct your pact layout. The consumable will remove all the pacts from the gear system it is used on, giving you a whole new window to rearrange your pacts.

Unlocking the features through Potent Blood 


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The module for accessing the attributes of vampires works quite parallel to the XPs. Through the acclaim board players can see their earned possessions on the interface. The chests earned through Blood Harvest battles will have the pacts and cleansing acid. But the most important thing to achieve in the Diablo 4 season is the potent blood. This will act as your only currency to gain new powers and upgrade your strengths in Vampiric features. 

So, to get access to some decent potent blood rewards you need to find a blood lure to attract seekers. Battling out and killing as many as vampire monsters possible will only help you gain more potent currency along with some exciting possessions helpful in the progress of the new season. 


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Hopefully, the guide helped you provide a clearer perspective of how the potent blood and pacts work in upgrading and unlocking your vampire powers in Diablo 4. Wishing you an ultimate spooky Dialo season ahead! 

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