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By now we are all aware of the sheer racing professional that Max Verstappen is. The Dutchman tackles every race with the mindset to win and dedicated all his time and energy to achieving that goal. However, we have recently found out that Verstappen approaches all racing activities with professionalism, not just F1. Do you think that will distract the Red Bull man from his core sport? Not at all, according to Dr. Helmut Marko who believes, “the opposite is the case”.

We recently saw a rant from Verstappen after he had to retire from the virtual Le Mans race because of technical issues. This showcased how invested the Dutchman was in the sim racing competition. Most would assume this addiction might soon become a distraction and knock Verstappen’s focus from Formula 1.

However, when Sport 1 brought this same concern up in the conversation with Dr. Marko, the Austrian had a fitting reply and made an interesting revelation.


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He said, “The opposite is the case. He even had his private plane converted so that he can fly a simulator in the air in the future. But that’s a good thing, too, because Max needs this distraction. In any case, it didn’t do him any harm when it came to his two titles.”

Read More: Max Verstappen Subtly Instructed to “Compromise” to Deal With the Challenges of Life: “We Can’t Have Everything”

The Dutchman is definitely invested in sim racing. Especially now that we know he has a setup on his plane as well, apart from the $35,000 setup at home.

Such high amounts for a sim racing setup would’ve been a concern for many. However, for Verstappen, it’s an investment into his F1 career. How? Let us explain with his comments!

Max Verstappen explains how sim racing is helping him become a better F1 driver


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By now, we all know Verstappen is an avid sim racer. The Dutchman is giving all his free time to his hobby/alternate profession. There is extra motivation for him as well because his alternate profession is helping him become better at his main one.

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Speaking to CarNext, Verstappen said, “It keeps me ready, and allows me to better analyze the configuration as well. – I continue to test myself, especially against these drivers who are very fast.”


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Talk about making racing your life. Verstappen is clearly doing that by improving as a racer with his hobby. The man is an ultimate professional.