
The highly-awaited sequel to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was released on September 27, 2023. Being an installment under one of the most iconic FPS labels, the community had some high standards of expectations from the game. However, CS2 has been received with some mixed reactions from the community. In a similar episode, a popular CS: GO streamer shared his honest opinion on the newly launched Valve project leaving the fans irked. 

CS: GO has dominated the FPS streaming charts for over a decade now. Thus, the hype around CS2 was justifiably very hot. The game has been entitled to an interesting week post-launch. While some have enjoyed some new additions in the CS: GO update, there has also been some heated criticism. But Shroud took things to a whole new level when he called CS2 “the end of Counter-Strike!”

“I think this is the end of Counter-Strike”: CS2 fails to impress Shroud


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The latest installment in the Counter-Strike label has been branded as the big upgrade from CS: GO. With the release of CS2, Valve aims to cash into the legacy of the FPS giant for a new chapter. These include a Grid-style buying menu, gun recoil, new map designs, and more. But a CS: GO Pro has a rather polar opinion to the vision of the developers. 

During a recent CS2 live stream, Shroud seemingly unhappy with some new adaptations in the gameplay stated, “I think this game dies, CS dies with 2. I think it does, I firmly believe that.” He was immediately countered by one of his fellow streamers who said, “I feel like you’re a little negative.”

Read More: CS2 Brings a New Nade Practice Feature That Makes Life Much Easier

Just the truth, I think it does. I think this is the end of Counter-Strike with this game. I mean we had a good run, no?”, Shroud concluded. A clip of the conversation was shared on X. While CS2’s ongoing run isn’t a stranger to criticism, the remarks made by Shroud were quite bold according to the FPS fans. Thus, the clip invited a heated rebuttal from the CS2 fans. 

Fans aren’t pleased with the review 

As expected the claim ignited an interesting debate on social media. Most of the fans disagreed with the remakes made by the streamer. Here are a few reactions that explain the counterarguments made by the community.

A user is baffled by the statements as they suggest that there couldn’t have been a worse review. A lot of gamers felt it might be too early to pass off CS2 as a total failure. 

Fans defend the title drawing a parallel with CS: GO. Apparently, the initial reviews around Global Offensive also predicted it to be a cold experience, but the tables have turned, and how! 


Not everyone disagrees with the Shroud review. Here’s a fan who feels the criticism for CS2 is spot on. 


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A player takes a dig at the statement. For context, the spike for concurrent players peaked at 1.24 million on Steam. 


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Have you played the newest installment yet? Let us know if you agree to the Shroud review in the chat box below. 

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