
The online gaming community is on the edge with excitement. The Japanese gaming juggernauts, Nintendo is supposedly working on a much stronger and more capable version of their current system, Nintendo Switch. This new model is expected to offer much more, in terms of graphics and performance.

However, there haven’t been any official announcements regarding the console so far. But a recent leak has revealed that the potential release date of the new console may be much closer than expected. Ever since the leak surfaced, the community has been busy cooking up new speculations and theories. 

Is Nintendo Switch 2 coming soon?


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According to the leak and theories, the answer is most probably, Yes. Industry insider OreXda recently revealed that Nintendo has already started to hand out DevKits for the upcoming console. The community believes that this could be a sign that the next-gen Nintendo Console has almost finished development. 

“According to my source, Next Gen of Nintendo Switch DevKit have been just send to developers,” said OreXda on Twitter. The comment section quickly filled with speculations and theories about what this could mean, if this is real. The DevsKits are handed out at different stages of development. Either during the initial stages or the final stages of R&D.

According to a Nintendo YouTuber and an avid fan of Switch, SwitchForce, this could most likely be the final stages of the console’s development. This means that if the rumors are true, the next-gen Switch may not be too far from a global release. 

Read More: These 5 Nintendo Switch Games Would Be the Perfect Choices To Get Remastered On Switch 2


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However, this is completely based on speculation and rumors. So we have to take this with a grain of salt. There are theories that say, maybe OrXida has been purposefully fed wrong information so that they could be proved an untrustworthy leaker and potentially stop them from leaking confidential information. 

What is a DevKit? 

“A dev-kit is usually a modified version of a product, such as a phone or game console. The modifications allow a computer to download software into the product, to connect peripherals not ordinarily supported, and to debug software more effectively,” according to sources on Google. 


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So in this case, the DevKit may refer to a modified Switch 2 which is made especially for the game studios for creating and publishing games for the console. 

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