
Starfield is finally here. After almost a year-long wait, fans can now get on their spaceships and explore the vast map of Bethesda‘s likely GOTY nominee. However, multiple hiccups are also being noticed after the game’s release that weren’t previously foreseen by the fans. Several discussions have been sparked across social media platforms to debate whether the game performs as per community expectations. Many fans seem to think the game is bugged on PC and that is not sitting well with many gamers.

Bethesda has a history with bugs in games. And Starfield was tipped to be a nearly bug-free experience. Following its much awaited release, such performance is understandably frustrating for players who paid a lot of bucks to get early access to the game.

Starfield crashes without explanation, which frustrates player


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One player has taken to Reddit to express their frustration with Starfield and how it crashes without any explanation. The user, on the group r/Starfield, claims that Starfield crashed on his PC as the player reached the “???” crystals. After that, the player tweaked several settings but still couldn’t manage to run the game smoothly. Now, his game just crashes randomly on the elevator itself and progress can’t be made. After paying $100 to be able to play the game early, the user claims this feels like “a slap in the face“.


So frustrated with PC port
by u/russianmeatballs in Starfield

Starfield has been hailed as one of the biggest releases for this year. The game is Bethesda’s first new IP in over 25 years. And it topped steam charts prior to its release. With games like Skyrim under its belt, Bethesda’s sci-fi RPG was expected to blow away the fans with its gameplay. So having so many bugs, that too after pre-ordering is understandably frustrating.

More players want their money back

It looks like the previosuly mentioned user isn’t the only one who’s facing such issues. More players have come forward to highlight their issues with the game.

Read more: Explaining Armors And Suits In Starfield

Another player has also posted on the same group to claim that Starfield is crashing on his PC as well. The user tried to change the game’s settings several times but couldn’t play in any way. After several attempts, Hugo finally gave up and issued a refund request.


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Had to refund the game pc due to terrbile performace issue, how is the game running on the series x?
by u/Hugo_Stglitz in Starfield

However, the user also has an Xbox Series X and is considering giving the game another go on the console. Despite that, the player understandably isn’t all too happy with his experience so far.


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While no game can be 100% bug free, with all the technological advancements, it’s fair to expect a nearly bug-free experience. Could this be an issue only on the PC? Will these pan out as rare cases? Or is Bethesda looking at another bug-filled release?

Watch this story: Is Starfield’s Trait System Designed To Make the Game More Challenging?

Written by

Diptarko Paul

One Take at a Time
Diptarko loves to watch and follow football. He keeps a close watch on EPL with some not-so-frequent keeping track of the other major European football leagues. He supports Brazil as a national team.
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Edited by

Rohan Karnad