
Mortal Kombat 1 had a somewhat uneventful launch; it was released on all planned platforms without any delays, including the Nintendo Switch. The game was released to positive critical reception, and it actually looks stunning. It is pretty hard to tell that this game is made using Unreal Engine 4.

While its visuals on most platforms are representative of everything a game should be in 2023, this is not the case with the Nintendo Switch. This particular version is not looking so good, but Netherealms has an announcement for people playing on Nintendo’s console.

Mortal Kombat 1 developer announces they will fix the Nintendo Switch version


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Yes, getting a game at the same time as other consoles on the Nintendo Switch has become a rare thing nowadays. The condition is so bad that the Nintendo Switch version of Hogwarts Legacy has yet to launch. But it shows how much time it takes for developers to optimize their games for Nintendo’s hybrid console.

And that’s why the launch of Mortal Kombat 1 on the Nintendo Switch on the same day as other major platforms was an exciting thing. But fans who bought this version by giving in to the hype got something way worse. The port is riddled with performance issues and looks very rough on Switch. But Netherealms, the developer of the game, has recently assured fans that they are going to fix this game.

While having a game look bad on their preferred platform is nothing new for Nintendo Switch owners, they always get decent enough performance. But this time around, it’s so bad that people everywhere can be seen warning each other against purchasing this game.

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The graphical comparisons online show pretty clearly that developers had to cut a lot of stuff out to make sure Mortal Kombat 1 actually fits on the Nintendo Switch. This cutoff seems to have no positive effect on the game’s performance. Let’s see what exactly the developers have in mind in regards to fixing this game.

In other news, Hogwarts Legacy seems to be running just fine!


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When Hogwarts Legacy was announced to be coming for Switch, everyone thought it would be a disaster. Fans got even more worried when it got delayed at least twice, first from the normal launch date to July, then from July to November.

But now a bunch of people who have gotten hands-on experience with this game have mentioned how good the game runs. It looks like the developers utilized that extra time to optimize the game for this device.

Maybe that’s what Netheralms needed with Mortal Kombat 1 too, but it’s too late now, and hindsight is always 20/20, so there’s no point discussing it either.


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Here’s hoping the game gets fixed as soon as possible.

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