
It’s the year of another brand new game in Activision’s long-running series. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is the latest offering from the publisher, following a mostly disappointing phase after the release of MWII. While the latter was headed by Infinity Ward, its successor is helmed by Sledgehammer Games studio.

Earlier this month, the much-awaited COD Next event took place. Amidst a growing hype, all eyes were on the gameplay reveal of Modern Warfare 3. When the event concluded, the general reception from most of the streamers, invited to test the game, was overwhelmingly positive. Still, there were doubts among the hardcore fans. They were curiously waiting for the Beta period to begin in order to see for themselves whether the ‘new COD’ is promising or not. And now, after a few days of the open beta going live, it appears that Sledgehammer’s title is, indeed, a return to form for the franchise.

The addition of fan-favorite features is the big difference between Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and MWII


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Yes, that’s exactly the case as far as the Beta experience of many players is concerned. A large section of the community has expressed happiness for the resurrection of classic movement mechanics like slide cancelling. Further, reload cancel and faster sprinting across the map are also among much-needed additions.

Modern Warfare II, for some strange reason, had eliminated all the fan-favorite gameplay options. It’s still yet to be known why exactly did Infinity Ward’s team decide to remove the very elements, from 2019’s rebooted MW, that made fans compelled to play more. Coming back to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, it has brought back everything a hardcore COD lover can ask for. Yes, the Beta is not perfect, yet, but it’s good enough to give an idea about how the devs have worked on the entire project.

Right now, it looks like people are satisfied with what Sledgehammer has done in a just one year. Few months ago, there were lots of doubts hovering over the studio’s ability to make a compelling shooter, due to the Vanguard debacle. But it seems like the devs have managed to impress most of the skeptical minds.

Seems like the nostalgia factor is working for Modern Warfare 3

It’s a massive year for the franchise, marking Call of Duty’s 20th anniversary. So it was obvious for Activision to do something big in order to celebrate the legacy of previous installments in the FPS saga. Modern Warfare 3 has turned out to be the perfect package containing various nostalgic elements for die-hard COD enthusiasts.

It’s been already confirmed that 16 remastered maps will make a return with this game’s launch. In fact, some of them are even available for fans to enjoy in the Beta itself. So far, there’s not been a major complaint from them regarding how the iconic maps are playing out. So one can assume that the remastered versions have successfully swayed most of the players. Even those who are witnessing them for the first time!

Recent reports have also suggested that Modern Warfare 3 will act like a tribute to all popular games from the past. It might feature more nostalgic elements like maps, modes, and weapons from old COD offerings.

General feedback across the internet is in favor of Modern Warfare 3

Ever since the COD Next wrapped up, the majority of reactions coming in have been in support of MW3. That’s something hardly anyone can deny, no matter what. There’s a stark difference between how players felt for MWII Beta compared to how much they are now enjoying Modern Warfare 3 Beta.


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The overall smoothness in action, return to tried-and-tested formula, and a touch of nostalgia has convinced gamers that the upcoming title has got huge potential. Moreover, Sledgehammer’s quick reception of fans’ feedback over the issues and providing their solutions has further impressed the entire community. It’s also something that has been missing with the entire life cycle of Modern Warfare II from Infinity Ward. The latter hardly used to respond back in an instant manner to resolve glaring problems.

The Beta is still going on, and it will last until October 16. Following that, it will be interesting to see how Sledgehammer manages to carry the current momentum forward. Undoubtedly, the studio will try to keep the fans engaged. After all, the devs have also got something to prove following a failure like Vanguard two years ago.


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It looks like they will probably succeed in making a comeback with how Modern Warfare 3 is going right now. Hopefully, the Beta will result in an even better experience when the game comes out officially across the globe. All things considered, Call of Duty needs a serious boost at the moment in order to show that it’s not dead in any way. Will MW3 really make it happen? Only time will tell.

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Written by

Mintu Tomar

One Take at a Time
Mintu Tomar is a senior eSports writer at EssentiallySports, whose passion for video games is unmatched. With an impressive portfolio of over 1900 articles, Mintu is an expert in the coverage of Call of Duty. His extensive knowledge of the industry and insightful commentary have earned him the respect of many prominent figures, including actors, podcast hosts, and other important individuals in the gaming world.
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Edited by

Rohan Karnad