
Microsoft still isn’t out of the woods as UK’s Competition and Market Authority (CMA) looks for more public feedback on the Xbox-Activision deal. While the tech giant is given a  green signal for the takeover, the situation still looms with uncertainty in the UK.

Britain’s antitrust regulators have called for community feedback on whether the acquisition should be given approval. The final decision is to be made public on August 29th and Xbox fans hope that their favorite titles are cleared for Xbox Game Pass inclusion. With such a situation, fans can only wait to see how events unfold further.

Microsoft bridled despite a win in the US


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Microsoft and Activision have been subject to a prolonged legal hassle after the former announced its plans to take over the Call of Duty makers. The acquisition alarmed Sony who claimed that Microsoft will find itself in an advantageous position if the deal goes through. Their consistent concern resulted in the Federal Trade Commission taking Microsoft to court to explain the acquisition details better. After a long legal battle that went on for over a year, US Judge Corley gave a verdict approving the takeover.

With this, Xbox suddenly is poised to be back on track for the acquisition. While the verdict may see Sony losing multiple franchises from its platforms soon, Xbox fans couldn’t stop from beaming at the prospect of having exclusive Xbox titles soon. With the Starfield release date approaching, many are eager to see how Microsoft begins handling exclusive titles.

Read more When Will COD Titles Be Available On Xbox Game Pass?

However, things may not be so smooth for Microsoft just yet as CMA still hasn’t given its final verdict on the matter.


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CMA seeks public opinion

The CMA halted the acquisition in April. With the block being restrictive to Microsoft’s actions, the Xbox makers seek a revisit to the case. Microsoft strongly believes that given the licensing deal with Sony and legally-binding commitments to the European Commission, the case should be cleared without further problems. Xbox views these two things to have altered the situation and thus the deal should be cleared under “special reason”.


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We will consider Microsoft’s submissions carefully, along with other responses from interested parties, ahead of the 29 August statutory deadline“, declared CMA. In case Microsoft fails to follow up on its commitments to the European Commission, it will have to pay a fine of 10% of its global revenues. Understandably, Microsoft is doing all it can to push the block decision to be overturned. With opinions from the fans being called for, there is still hope that a stronger case for the acquisition may be made.

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