
Steam is arguably the biggest video game distribution platform right now. It can boast having over 50,000 games, with some discounted ones too, on the platform. Many more new titles are also added on a daily basis. However, having this large curation of games also raises some problems. The developers of the platform, Valve, have to manage a lot of influx of games and also judge which games fit into their community guidelines.

Recently, the developers dismissed a game to join Steam citing the use of AI. However, this decision caused a hefty debate in the gaming community. To subdue the matter from going further, Valve officials came forward to explain the reasoning for their decision.

Valve denies entry to games made with AI on Steam


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Recently a game developer attempting to launch his game on Steam was denied. The developers cited the use of “fairly obviously AI-generated” assets to be the cause of rejection. Also in the past, Valve has been wary of new technologies like NFT and cryptocurrency entering their platform. Furthermore, the second attempt made by the developers was also denied. This time the reason given was that the developers did not have the necessary rights to the assets used.

The reason for the rejection of the title for the first time caused a heated debate in the gaming community. Some fans argued the use of AI will become a must in the future and that Valve should start accepting the usage. However, some gamers also argued that AI-generated games, like AI-generated artwork, will lead to the loss of creativity and jobs for the developers.

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But looking at the debate growing, Valve stepped in to state their reasons. And the team has shown a positive outlook to accepting AI-Generated games on their platform.

Valve wants to welcome AI games on their platform in the future


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Valve stated to Eurogamer the use of AI-generated games is something they want to include in their own platform. However, the technology is fairly new right now and the developers should get the right rights and licenses before using AI tools. The reason for the rejection of the earlier games was solely due to developers not having the appropriate right to their AI-generated assets.

“While developers can use these AI technologies in their work with appropriate commercial licenses,” Valve said they, “can not infringe on existing copyrights”. But the Steam developers added a promise that “as these laws and policies evolve over time, so will our process.”


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What are your thoughts on the future of AI-generated games on Steam? Let us know in the comments section below.