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There is no doubt in anyone’s mind about Max Verstappen’s greatness after the 2022 championship season. The Dutchman absolutely annihilated the completion and won a record 15 races. This has inspired many to step forward and sing the praises of Verstappen. This is exactly what former Ferrari man Felipe Massa also did when asked about how the competition for the 2023 championship looks.

The 2008 driver’s championship runner-up sat down with an interview with La Gazzetta dello Sport. As quoted by GPBlog, Massa answered various questions and also talked about Verstappen’s chances in 2023. During his interview, the former Ferrari man put him on the same level as former teammate Michael Schumacher. However, not just Schumacher, he also Verstappen on the same level as Lewis Hamilton and Ayrton Senna.


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He first sang Verstappen’s praises and said, “Max is a phenomenon. He is focused, he drives his laps perfectly and he is always able to make his voice heard within the team. What he says is leading for the team. He is the best driver with the best car and the best team.”

The Brazilian then made the comparison. “He can be compared to Schumacher, Hamilton or Senna in their golden years. He can still win many titles,” Massa concluded.

Read More: Max Verstappen Stands Firm Despite Scathing “Egoist” Accusations: “Every Step I Take Out There…”

The former Ferrari man believes the current Ferrari star, Charles Leclerc, has what it takes to challenge Verstappen but lacks in one aspect.

Felipe Massa puts Max Verstappen over Charles Leclerc in one aspect of racing


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Formula 1 is a melting pot of pressure for all divers on the grid. Surviving the ruthless sport often takes a toll on most and this pressure makes a difference between winning one race and several. This is exactly what happened with Leclerc and Ferrari in 2022, believes Massa.

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The Brazilian said, “Charles has shown he knows how to win with the right car. Last year, like the whole team, he paid the price for the pressure, after a championship start where he led the standings and then lost all his lead in a few races, for well-known reasons.”


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Leclerc definitely paid the price of pressure apart from the unreliable car and shabby strategies. Although heading into 2023, we are sure Leclerc will be much more composed. The question still remains, however, if he will be able to overpower the mighty Max Verstappen.